niedziela, 29 listopada 2015

[CTF] 9447 CTF web200 "nicklesndimes" write-up

That was really cool challenge on 9447 CTF from Web category. Task description:

Nick's been eating your grandmother's strombomi. Head over to Gain access to his admin account.

So the task is to takeover admin account with user_id = 1.

We are able to register new accounts and login (with Remember me functionality) or request for password reset. After digging a bit with password reset I noticed, that reset token is the same for my userid... and it's md5 hash for my team name ;-)

00:31 zoczus@ropchain[~]$ echo -n "zoczus" | md5sum
5580aed6ac917f2cd6fc08c9581e1ca2  -

So we can simply create password reset link for admin user this way:

And first problem - we know team name, but what's e-mail to login? Answer can be found by clicking small icon near to Users, which responds with json with scores, and near our admin account we can find additional field called admin_contact ;) Link was:

Got e-mail, got password, challenge solved... nope!

Tried X-Forwarded-for, X-Real-IP for , (from e-mail headers), etc... and then my team mate (thanks Dawid!) gave me idea to try this one:

00:38 zoczus@ropchain[~]$ host has address has address

Setting X-Forwarded-For to gave me this result after login: 

środa, 22 kwietnia 2015

[PL] Bypassing Same-Origin Policy - slajdy z 4Developers 2015

W poniedziałek 20.04.2015r. miałem przyjemność bycia prelegentem na konferencji 4Developers w ścieżce Security organizowanej przez SecuRing .

Slajdy z prezentacji:

Nagranie będzie dostępne w przyszłości. :)

wtorek, 3 lutego 2015

evercookie.swf - Stored Cross-Site Scripting

Today @samykamkar released new version of evercookie that fixes Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue that I reported. Here is how it works in details.

First of all - we should check vulnerable code:

So - the flash file takes flashVar parameter everdata and puts it to SharedObject (something like Local Storege but for Flash). If some data already was in SharedObject - it pass its value to javascript function called _evercookie_flash_var() without any checks. So the proof of concepts for this version looks simple:


After visiting this and then visiting page that embeds evercookie.swf - we'll see wonderful alert box ;-) and the best part - it's stored one.

Few weeks ago someone made pull request for fixing some issues (not security related) with QQBrowser and simply replaced getURL() function with So - someone accidentally fixed old bug and created new one ;-) Here's the code:

+ 2nd PoC:


...and life goes on. :)

If you're using evercookie - please update to newest version. You can also check the video demonstration:

środa, 7 stycznia 2015 - Same Origin Method Execution

SOME ;-) time ago@BenHayak talked about Same-Origin Method Execution on BlackHat EU. At the time of posting this article, there's no public whitepaper yet (only leaked slides) - that's why I'd love to share one of first posts that show this attack in action. is part of Microsoft Bug Bounty for Online Services. During some research in used Flash files I found this one: video-js.swf (source).

Take a look to this piece of code:

if (loaderInfo.parameters.readyFunction != undefined) {, ExternalInterface.objectID);
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As far as you probably know - the ExternalInterface is ActionScript class that allows (for example) to communicate Flash object with browser’s Javascript. First parameter is function name, that we want to call. As you can see - it’s readyFunction parameter (from GET), but it’s also sanitized with cleanEIString which looks like this:

public function cleanEIString(arg1: String): String {
return arg1.replace(new RegExp("[^A-Za-z0-9_.]", "gi"), "");
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So - only chars we are able to use is alphanumeric, underscore and a dot - to prevent Cross-Site Scripting. For example - if we’ll provide readyFunction=alert - our flash file will execute alert function, but we have no control over arguments (because we can't use brackets), so it’s useless for XSS purposes.

...and here is the place where we can start talking about Same-Origin Method Execution :-) Let take, that have hyperlink to vulnerable videoplayer. After clicking to this link, it opens the flash file in new tab, and next - redirect to (in the same tab). From now on - newly opened tab have access to previous tab by window.opener (because they are both in Same Origin -, and it’s also able to access DOM and execute functions in context of opened page. 

The goal is to authorize user to some malicious application without his knowledge. Attack scenario will look this way:

1. User is visiting evil PoC site
2. He/she clicks on link which -in the end - redirect user to video player with readyFunction param described later
3. We’re redirecting Poc site to our application - all we need to know is client_id - link example here: 

4. We need to wait few seconds to be 100% sure that redirect from point 3 happend (that's why I used proxy.php that sleeps and then returns 30x).
5. Flash Video Player will execute this readyFunction:

...which is simply the “Allow” button + click() function :->

As you can imagine - this will cause clicking on the button and authorizing application to victim’s account, which is dangerous. :)

Proof of Concept goes here:

...and demo: