sobota, 1 marca 2014

Analysis of swfupload CVE-2013-2205 Security.allowDomain('*') flaw


Yes - I know it's the old one. As far as I've got lots of stuff to do, I had small amount of time to take a closer look to this vulnerability, found by Szymon Gruszecki and identified by CVE-2013-2205. But I also wanted to understand how to exploit this kind of issues. As far as I couldn't find any usefull PoCs or examples on the Internet - I decided to learn it and make a post. I belive it will be usefull for someone. :)

At first, please take a look to secure swfupload fix for this vuln. Yes - it's just one removed line. :)


It will be short - for details please visit Adobe documentation. Security.allowDomain() is function, which allows flash movie to be embeded and interacted from other domain. For example, we have where swf-a.swf is stored (with Security.allowDomain('')) - we are able to embed swf-a.swf on and interact with all functions that are added through ExternalInterface.addCallback() method.

Depends on context of application, it can be used for example to bypass Same-Policy Origin. How? If our swf-a.swf can make some http requests to hosted resource and get the response that can be passed somehow to our javascript code... you know what's next ;-)


Most interesting functions that we should take a look are StartUpload(), ReturnUploadStart(), HTTPError_Handler(), UploadSuccess():

private function UploadSuccess(file: FileItem, serverData: String, responseReceived: Boolean = true): void {
if (this.serverDataTimer !== null) {
this.serverDataTimer = null;
if (this.assumeSuccessTimer !== null) {
this.assumeSuccessTimer = null;
file.file_status = FileItem.FILE_STATUS_SUCCESS;
this.Debug("Event: uploadSuccess: File ID: " + + " Response Received: " + responseReceived.toString() + " Data: " + serverData);
ExternalCall.UploadSuccess(this.uploadSuccess_Callback, file.ToJavaScriptObject(), serverData, responseReceived);
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UploadSuccess() is called after successful upload (wow). As we can see, it calls UploadSuccess callback (that can be defined to our own javascript function) with serverData as one of parameters - serverData is content response from requested uploadURL.

The attack

Ok - so if we are able to get content of other resource (SOP bypass), we are able to steal csrf tokens from forms. The attack scenario is simple - is hosting swfupload from wordpress 3.5.1 on After victim (logged into wp-admin panel) upload any file, we'll make request to user-new.php, parse response for nonce value, and make standard csrf attack to add other admin account. No other interaction (than file upload) is needed.
I created this proof of concept. Remember to modify wordpress-url to valid Wordpress resource.

Exploit in action: